Classical Sheffield is seeking a Co-ordinator


Classical Sheffield champions music-making in Sheffield, increasing audience engagement & participation and connecting music-makers with a wider network of audiences and promoters. CS runs major festivals, connects with strategic networks, has markedly increased classical music’s presence in the city, and has Music-Maker and Promoter members representing several thousand people. Our mission is to make more music, in more places, with and for more people, in pursuit of our vision of Sheffield as a city of half a million music-makers.

We are seeking to appoint a part-time freelance Co-ordinator who will help us to see that all our music-making is better joined up and promoted, and to facilitate some longer-term collaborations and projects, building on the excellent foundations laid so far. Key tasks will be to maintain up-to-date knowledge of current and future activity, and to create opportunities for more music-making.

You can find all the application documents in this folder.

The deadline for applications is 12 noon on Friday 25 October.

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