Duruflé Requiem

Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus, Simon Turner , Neil Taylor & Darius Battiwalla
Group type: Choruses
  • Saturday 28 October, 2023
    7.30 – 9.15pm
Ticket typeCost
General admission£18
Students on the door£5
under 18s on the doorfree
carers with the person they accompanyfree

French classics and two world premieres

The Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus season will start with a fantastic ‘up close and personal’ concert in the beautiful St Mark’s church in Broomhill. We will sing Durufle’s gorgeous Requiem and Tavener’s hauntingly beautiful Syvati for choir and cello, featuring Simon Turner, celebrated cellist with the Hallé.

The evening will also feature the world premiere of two versions of Sheffield Nocturne, one by Chorus accompanist Rachel Fright and the second by Sheffield-born Robin Morton, both winners in the Stella Jockel Young Composer Competition in March 2023.

With Neil Taylor on the organ and works by Saint-Saens including his Priere for cello and organ, this will be an evening to remember!


Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus (symphonic choir), Simon Turner (cello), Neil Taylor (organ), Darius Battiwalla (conductor) and Margaret McDonald (mezzo soprano)


  • Saint-Saens: Quam Dilecta
  • Saint-Saens: Priere
  • Fright: Sheffield Nocturne
  • Morton: Sheffield Nocturne
  • Tavener: Svyati
  • Durufle: Requiem

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