Madeleine Mitchell

Madeleine Mitchell & Nigel Clayton

The Times described Madeleine Mitchell as ‘one of the UK’s liveliest musical forces (and) foremost violinists’. She has performed as solo violinist and chamber musician in 50 countries in a wide repertoire, frequently broadcast for radio and TV, in major festivals including the BBC Proms. She is Professor of Violin at the Royal College of Music. Her latest album Violin Conversations, released by Naxos, has received critical acclaim and includes premiere recordings of works mostly by living UK composers. In this Sheffield concert, she is featuring music by two local composers, George Nicholson and Ray Kohn, as well as performing the much-loved Violin Sonata by Franck and the classic Brahms Violin Sonata No.3 in D Minor.


Madeleine Mitchell (Violin) and Nigel Clayton (Piano)


  • Brahms: Violin Sonata no.3 in D minor
  • George Nicholson: Spindrift for solo violin (for MM) - premiere
  • Franck: Violin Sonata

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