Sheffield Music Hub
Group type: Organisations
  • Friday 22 March
    7.00 – 9.00pm

Come and see the culmination of the STEMS II project! Featuring talented artists aged 14 - 19 performing on the fully equipped Sheffield College stage. You will get to see acts from many genres - rock, pop, jazz, folk, alt, hip-hop.

We are aiming to celebrate the diversity of the young musicians in our city and make sure all children in Sheffield see themselves reflected in the performers regardless of race, gender, where they live, their levels of musical talent, parental income, whether they have special educational needs or disabilities or whether they are looked-after children.

When: Friday the 22nd of March 2024. Soundcheck slots from 10:00, doors at 19:00, concert at 19:30

Who: Musicians from age 14-19 from any background, performing any genre.

Where: The Sheffield College

Ticket details to come soon. Watch this space...

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