Sheffield Oratorio Chorus
A Chorus in full voice
Sheffield Oratorio Chorus is a mixed-voice choir of over 120 people who love to perform choral music from the 16th century to the present day. Our repertoire includes well loved works as well as new or less frequently performed pieces. We are an inclusive, friendly choir where new members are made to feel welcome and supported.
The Chorus performs 3 major concerts plus a Christmas carol concert each year. We also have a chamber choir and a women's choir, Cantaremos, both drawn from the chorus membership, which perform alongside the main chorus. Our Concerts page has information about forthcoming concerts.
We pride ourselves on our innovative Academy programme which supports chorus members in their development as singers. More information about what the SOC Academy has to offer can be found on our Academy page.
As well as being passionate about our singing we also enjoy a thriving social life including regular walks and curry evenings. We aim to make a high quality contribution to the cultural life of Sheffield and South Yorkshire. Whether as a singer or audience member, we hope that you enjoy what the Sheffield Oratorio Chorus has to offer.
Image © 2017 Adrian Powter