Sheffield Singers

A mixed community adult choir for those who love singing, having fun and meeting new people!

Sheffield Singers was set up in 2012 as an inclusive daytime choir.

Experienced and novice singers are equally welcome; however at present basses and tenors get an extra special welcome!

There are no auditions, all we ask is a love of singing and interest in trying out a varied programme of music. We sing a wide range of secular styles, ranging from classical, folk, songs from the shows and songs from around the world.

We give informal concerts at indoor and outdoor venues around the city. Recently we have sung carols at Dyson Place and held a summer concert at St Andrew’s Church.

How to get involved

When: Fridays in term time, 1.15pm-2.30pm

Where: Ashgate Room, Beacon Methodist Centre, Broomhill.

How Much: £4 per week, payable half termly in advance or £5 pay as you go.

If you are interested and would like more information please contact Helen Cowen on 07807 741976 or email

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