St John's Church, Ranmoor
St John’s Church, Ranmoor has one of the most extensive, vibrant and comprehensive church-based music programmes in the UK combining both liturgical and secular music to create an all-encompassing and unique experience that appeals to all.
Generally considered a masterpiece of Victorian Gothic architecture, grandiose yet still intimate and with a fabulous acoustic perfect for music making, St John’s has had a thriving choral and music tradition that has been renowned since the church’s consecration in 1879. Today it remains one of the last non-cathedral musical foundations to offer music on an almost daily basis.
Functioning at the highest echelons of musical excellency, the choral foundation – consisting of the Boy Choristers, Girl Choristers, Songmen, Consort, St John’s Singers, Schola Cantorum, Choral Scholars and the Occasional Singers – maintains the daily round of liturgies and special services, concerts and events, recordings, broadcasts and tours led by a management team of five professional musicians, assisted by organ scholars and multiple support members.
In association with the annually-appointed Composer-in-Residence and Artist-in-Residence (who further complement the liturgical and secular artistic and musical experiences that St John’s has to offer) and in conjunction with the Orchestra-in-Residence (the Sheffield Festival Orchestra) as well as partnerships with other professional instrumental ensembles, there is a year-long series of concerts and events incorporated in the Ranmoor Arts Series including intimate chamber ensembles, brass bands, orchestral masses, jazz concerts, choral events by candlelight, organ masterworks and gala events with massed choirs and orchestra with international soloists as well as a full programme of events at Christmas and Easter for the whole family and to further enrich the cultural life of Sheffield and the wider area.