Brigantes | The Little Mermaid & Carnival

Brigantes Orchestra & Sarah Helsby Hughes
Group type: Orchestras
  • Friday 26 April
    6.45 – 8.00pm
Ticket typeCost
Disabled or Unemployed£8
17 to 25£5
16 and Underfree

Especially for children, families or big kids!

Especially for children and families (or big kids!), we present a short concert with narrator and a few theatrical surprises...

Schools' concerts in the afternoon (Saint-Saëns only - contact us for further details of times and how to bring your class), and bring the whole family in the evening (note the start time!).


  • Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals
  • Navok: The Little Mermaid

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Family-friendly New Music Popular Classics Undiscovered Gems

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