Matthäuspassion - J S Bach

The Choir of St John's, Ranmoor , Steel City Choristers, The Picander Orchestra & Philip Collin
Group type: Chamber choirs
  • Sunday 17 March
    5.30 – 9.00pm
Ticket typeCost
Free admissionfree

The choir of St John's Ranmoor and the Steel City Choristers join forces to perform Bach's masterpiece, in full and in German, accompanied by a specially assembled orchestra. It is a liturgical performance (offered, as originally intended, as an act of worship as well as a performance) so we will not be charging admission. We will, however, be asking for people to give a donation to help meet the considerable costs of this event.

The Chorales will be sung in English and the congregation/audience will be invited to join in.


The Choir of St John's, Ranmoor, Steel City Choristers, The Picander Orchestra and Philip Collin (conductor)


  • J S Bach: St Matthew Passion

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